Monday, July 21, 2008

25 Hours...and still going

My Weekend was a very "restful" one.

We spent 25 hours this weekend in 90 degree weather (my house doesn't have A/C) putting in hardwood laminate flooring in the dining room and living room. I am super sore and wore out but I am really happy with it. It really makes the house look a whole lot nicer than a beige fucked up stained carpet. (Note: 2 kids + 2 cats + 1 dog+ beige carpet = Fucked)

We have about 2 more feet to go and then ad in some trim and it will be all set.

You always hear the term sweat equity for do it your self projects. well in that case this was a 4 million dollar project.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Niiiice. I can't wait to come over and scuff the fuck out of it. I'm going to come charging in on ice skates mufucka... we must test it's durability!!!