X-Men, Spiderman, Batman,
nothing brings back memories for a geek like characters from the pages of their comics. Ask any geek and I can guarantee that they read some form of comic as a child and may very well still read it today. Something about the Heroes and their powers, earth saving battles and villains make them grab your attention and hold on. Its reading with full color pictures!
Comics are a universal geek thing that every geek enjoys in one form or another, while thought of as a "kiddy" I can tell you that there are tons of adult comics(not those kind) that many read as well. Many have been made into movies (300, Sin City, Dark Knight, 30 days of night to name a few) But even from that, nothing grabs you like the story lines of your classic heroes. Give me xmen or spiderman any day.
I recently started buying hardcover volumes of the Ultimate series from Marvel. This series allows these classic heroes to get reloaded and start in modern time. I have read many of the Spidey and Xmen as well as Avengers stories and they are terrific. You get real world modern issues such as Homosexuality and Wars and allows them to rewrite character orgins. Its a great way to catch up and not be saddled with 30-40 years of past story line.
I highly recommend that you check out the ultimate series if you are looking to get into reading some new comics.
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