Yes tonight I am embarrassed to admit I went achievement whoring on my xbox 360. Now if you are unaware, the Achievement system is a system setup for all 360 games where you receive them for completing certain tasks in games. Some simple (YOU TURNED ON THE GAME!) to ridiculously hard(beat the hardest fucking song ever on 100% on extreme rape difficulty in Guitar Hero III)
Now Its always nice to hear the trademark ACHIEVEMENT UNLOCKED sound heard here (BLOOP)
But it was never something I sat down and said "I am getting these tonight." Not anymore.
I was talking with my buddy Dan and he said after I had told him I got 2 achievements and 75 pts in a baseball game that he needed to stay way ahead of me so he worked extra hard today and got another achievement. I told him you know what I'm whoring tonight. It was the 1st time I went to play just to get achievements and not just have fun.
I fired up my old football game, put it on rookie tard master level and got to work. 1st up, some passing and scoring achievements. I hit the field as Tom "Jesus" Brady and unleashed play action pass after play action pass to Randy Moss. It was so rediculously easy.
Complete a 90 Yd pass, BLOOP! 30 pts
then thru the course of the game which I ended up winning 105-10 (I gave them a TD to get the ball back) BLOOP, BLOOP, BLOOP, BLOOP
Score 84 pts in a 5 min quarter game
throw for 500 yds passing
have 650 yds of offense
(Brady was 18-21 for 701 yds and 10
Bam game over and 160 pts in my hand
Now its time to get a couple more out of the way for running. new game, this time Im unleashing reggie bush.
I needed the 100% pass completion in a game one so I threw a quick dump pass right away, never to pass again in the game...1-1 11 yds passing
next I needed 40 rushing attempts in a game by 1 player. I fed the defense a healthy dose of Bush(LOL) and got the 40 attempts.
I had tried getting the average 20 yds rushing in a game with 3 backs but kept getting stopped short. Closest I had was a guy 3 carries for 19 yds, Yawn not even close. oh well 2 isnt bad. they score a late td with 7 seconds left and kick the ball to me, I run out of bounds at the 7 and run 1 last play with the back..Oh man I got a block, broken tackle! HE....COULD....GO...ALLL.THE.....WAYYYYYYYY YAYYYYYYYYYY 93 YD RUNNING TD AT THE END AND IT GAVE MY GUY A 22 YDS PER CARRY AVERAGE 1 MORE 25 PT ACHIEVEMENT!!!!!!!!
So I now only have 2 achievements left in that game but for the night I grabbed 8 achievements and 225 pts....not a bad night for a dirty achievement whore
Check my stats below

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